Local Action Group Kostenets 2010

  • Who we are
    Who we are

    "LAG Kostenets 2010" is a non-profit organization established in 2010 under a project implemented by the Municipality of Kostenets and with the financial support of the Programme for Rural Development / PRD / 2007 – 2013.

  • The nature
    The nature

    The natural surroundings and the incredible landscapes of the region boost the development of tourism which is one of the most successful ways to support the economic growth and improve the quality of life in the municipality.

  • History and traditions
    History and traditions

    Kostenets is a region with rich history in which different cultures were crossing there ways, many of the traditions and crafts are being preserved as the traditional folklore celebrations are held annually.

  • Agriculture

    The region's rich and fertile soils has traditions in cultivating of strawberries, raspberries, black currants and fruit trees, potatoes and cereal plants. The family properties are reared sheeps, cows and buffalos.

Покана за прием на заявления

МИГ Костенец 2010 обявява покана за прием на заявления за подпомагане по: Мярка 226 „Възстановяване на горски потенциал и въвеждане на превантивни мерки" ;...

Мярка 321 „Основни услуги за населението и икономиката" и Мярка 322 „Обновяване и развитие на населените места" от Стратегията за местно развитие на територията на МИГ Костенец 2010
Срок за подаване на заявления: 12 ноември 2012г. от 8.00ч. - 14 декември 2012г., включително до 16.00ч.
Повече информация можете за намерите в раздел „покани за кандидатстване" и „документи за кандидатстване" от настоящия сайт.



Executive director

+359 884 524 177 

Chairman of the board - Aneta Kirova

+359 886 040 495


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Borovets street N°13

Kostenets 2030



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